Why: Our Purpose

“Philanthropy is not about money. It’s about using whatever resources you have at your fingertips and applying them to improving the world.”


Why do we craft legacies?

At the core of any charity, donation, or philanthropy is the belief that one can use their resources to make a difference. Crafting legacies through strategic philanthropy is a more powerful, sustainable, and advanced application of the same belief. From just a giving hand to a strategic entity that not just gives, but influences giving, shapes opinions, stands for their beliefs and vouches for the asymmetric returns of philanthropy. 

The philanthropic sector is evolving. Funders and organisations have the willingness to understand, be surprised, listen, and patiently wait for the results to germinate. They are curious to understand what they can do to be more aligned with the needs of society and be able to contribute more towards the same. This is where we step in.

We are here to support you with devising new solutions to the same old problems; test it out; and then scale them, with the required partnerships and funding. Because the creation of social value is not a one-off job. It is a series of efforts, thoughts, and adaptations, over time. It is the enabling of transformation by focussing on feedback, really bending down to listen, and continuously raising the bar of our programs. Interconnected solutions to interconnected problems. 

For CSR, Philanthropy & Non-Profits

  • Increased ability to plan for the long-term

  • A reliable source of support for the social cause

  • Increased accountability in managing resources and funds

  • Opportunities for collaboration and growth

  • A growing network across sectors

  • Internal organisation and efficiency of resources

  • Increased visibility

An image displaying 3 elements of triple bottom line, that is, people, profit and planet

While for-profit businesses and non-profit organisations may have different primary goals, we believe that both sectors ultimately find themselves concerned with 3 things: people, the planet, and profit/funding,  i.e. the triple bottom line. Our core philosophy is to bring an investment based mindset to CSR and philanthropy, demonstrating the long-term impact of investment beyond the financial bottom line. 

While many believe that there is a need to compromise on one for the other, TBL will work with you to find a balanced system to achieve all three. How? Our work and method are built from the ground up, backed by over two decades of experience and networking which we leverage at every possible opportunity to your advantage.

Ultimately, we work to help you make decisions that keep up with and shape the world today and build a legacy that lasts in the world tomorrow.